Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Living Life Without Limits
Life is composed of many opportunities that we can take advantage of. Many doors may open while others may close. There are different paths in life that we can take. This is why I am completely convinced that there are no limits in life to what you can do. It does not matter where you live or what type of home you were raised in, all things are possible to them who believe in the impossible.
The key to enjoying life is to live life without limits. How do you life a life without limits? Here are a couple keys to living life without limits:
1. You MUST have faith. Work on increasing your faith level. You can increase your faith through prayer, inspirational music and reading inspirational or holy books. Engaging in these practices will help your spirit become stronger.
2. Change your thinking. Are thinking you can or that you can’t do what you desire to do? Stop thinking negatively. Think big and not small. You must believe that you can do it. You can achieve all of your dreams. It starts by engaging in positive thinking habits.
3. Change your speech. You speech is a reflection of your thinking. You must begin to speech as if you have accomplished your goals and desires. Practice using ‘I can’ statements daily. Speak words that birth life. Pay attention to speech that does not build up and get rid of it.
4. Pay attention to the resources that are around you. All of the things that you need to accomplish your desires already exist. You have to open your eyes to what is available. You must begin to network with people around you. There may be people at your current employment, church or within other community agencies who can assist you to get you to the next stage in achieving your goals.
5. Stop procrastinating. Now, you have faith, good thinking and speech but you are not moving. What are you waiting for? You must take a step forward. Action needs to take place or your opportunities will pass you by. Trust me! You do not want to miss your moment.
6. Make sure it is the right time. There is a time for everything under the sun. You must make sure that you are aware of all of the other factors in your life. Make sure that you do not have too many hats on at one time. You must assess your entire situation to make sure this is the right season for you to take action.
7. Don’t fear taking risks. You must learn how to be a risk taker. You must, however, you wisdom when making decisions. You have to assess whether it is the right risk to take. All of the above six keys are critical to make the decision to take a risk. Master the first six keys and then approach this key. With the other six keys, you will gain the confidence to take risks.
With these keys, you are now ready to live a life without limits. Applying these keys to your life will give you a whole new outlook on life. Your future will meet up with your present, which is the whole objective for setting goals. In order to get something you have never gotten, you must do something that you have never done. Your life is worth it so live it to the fullest!
The Greatest Barriers to Accomplishing Something Great
What are barriers anyway? Barriers are anything or anyone that prevents something from taking place. Everyone during some point in their lives has faced barriers. There are barriers that prevent us from achieving goals of having successful marriages, businesses, healthy physical lives as well as obtaining education.
Let me help you recognize some common barriers from being a success in life. The most common barriers are located below:
1. Addictions. These are negative patterned actions in our lives that affect different areas of our lives. The addictions can be sexual in nature or an addiction to substances. Addictions takes away time in our lives that can never be replaced. Get help immediately to overcome the addictions you may have.
2. Poor financial State- Many people, due to lack of knowledge and/or discipline, have poor financial health. They are buried in debt and can’t seem to progress forward. Having poor financial health affects your marriage, physical health and so many other aspects of our lives. I recommend seeing a debt consultant if you find yourself in a huge pile of debt and am in trouble with creditors.
3. Unforgiveness- Many of us may have been hurt by the actions or words of other people. Due to being hurt, we hold those hard feelings against those individuals within ourselves. Many people do not move forward from the people and situations that hurt them. Engaging in these actions foster unforgiveness. This is not healthy and can led to health problems. Forgiving those who have hurt you releases you from being imprisoned. You receive a sense of relief and peace to live your life.
4. Pride- This is a huge barrier that causes you to believe that you are above all people. Pride causes you to not to be teachable. Pride pushes people away from instead of to you. You need to work with people because we are social beings. Pride must be replaced with humility. Success clings to be people who are humble.
5. Lack of balance- We all may wear different hats in life including being a mother, father, son, student and a professional. However, in the midst of having different roles, there needs to be balance as well. You must balance your life so that it includes faith, family, friends and fun. These are critical to enjoying life.
The common thread for these barriers discussed above is that all of them has to do with actions and inactions involving yourself. We are the greatest barrier to enjoying life and achieving success in every part of our lives.
Don’t get me wrong. We are not perfect. We are all ‘works in progress.’ We must begin to work on ourselves if we are to reach our fullest potential in life. We can not do it alone. It is going to require a great deal of faith, in God ,others close to us and professionals in order for us to become better people. By working together, the barriers can be removed, allowing us to live our lives without limits.